Wednesday, August 18, 2010

it is safe...

This from James Freeman Clarke's "Messages of Faith, Hope and Love" for August 18th.

"THERE is but one thing which can fill the soul full, so as to drive out all evil thoughts and passions, and to keep them from returning with others worse than themselves. It is love,— love to God, looking up to him in daily submission, penitence, and prayer; love to man, animating to generous labors and constant sacrifices, to thoughtfulness and interest for all around us. When a heart is thus full of love, it is safe. No evil thought can enter it. No gloomy feelings of doubt, despair, and life-weariness can conquer its habitual courage and peacefulness. Love is what we need, which suffers long and is kind, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. This never fails. Knowledge cannot always support us. There are hours in which the richest and keenest intellect is clouded, and the throne of thought is shaken. But, when the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint, love, faith, and hope continue to possess the soul, and give it light in its darkness, and serenity amid the stormy hours of trial. Persecuted, we are not forsaken; cast down, we are not destroyed."


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