from: "The Work of the Ministry" cont.
"We may think, therefore, of one as reading and accepting all the sealed orders of Mr. Emerson touching the relation of the individual soul with God, and yet finding other orders for the practical work of the ministry, such as these:—
" Remember that man is not an individual, but a member of a body."
" Thou shalt not live for self, not even for self-improvement, but for the welfare of thy fellows."
"Thou shalt not be satisfied with the vision of truth, but strive continually to work the truth thou seest into thine own and other lives."
"Thou shalt seek not only to announce truth boldly, but to make it a persuasive power for the higher life."
"Thou shalt deem no human being beneath thy notice."
" Thou shalt honor alike the rich and the poor, and permit no outward distinctions to influence thy regards."
"Thou shalt live in cordial sympathy with thy people, rejoicing in their joys and sorrowing in their sorrows."
" Thou shalt help them to see the deformity of sin and the beauty of holiness."
"Thou shalt win them to the love of Christian worship and Christian work."
" Thou shalt show them the meaning and use of a church of God, that they may feel their need of a church home as truly as of a family home."
"Thou shalt teach them the blessed art of bearing one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."
Something like this may you all find in your sealed orders, only more and better. You will find more and better if you keep mind and heart opened upward for the Divine Hand to write the orders of each new day."
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