"The Piety of Our Savior" continued:
"3. Again. We see the grateful piety of our Saviour expressed on particular occasions when his exertions to accomplish God's will were successful. When he was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, he lifted up his eyes in gratitude, " Father! I thank thee that thou hast heard me." When he had succeeded in inculcating the truths of his religion on the minds of the humble and sincere inquirers around him, he blessed God that though these things were hidden from the wise and learned, they had yet been revealed to babes.
There are continually occurring occasions in our own lives, in which it becomes us to imitate this part of our Saviour's conduct. When any signal opportunities of usefulness or of enjoyment have been given; when any unusual means of improvement have been bestowed; when any danger has been escaped, or any trouble has passed harmlessly by us; when any temptation has been resisted, or any service to God has been done, and conscience is speaking to us in accents of peace;—then let our hearts be touched, then let us remember from whom all good proceeds, and let us acknowledge our obligations with affectionate and joyful gratitude."
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