"How then is our religious faith to be regulated?...
Such a rule is given by St. Paul in a few words. With the heart, says he, man believeth unto righteousness.* Here we are told, that if a man would believe unto righteousness, that is, if he would have his belief terminate in those moral and spiritual qualifications, which God will accept and bless, he must believe with his heart; we are told, that the only principles on which we can place a well grounded reliance, are those whose foundation is the heart; that the only religion, which will effectually assist and console us, is the religion of the heart; that the only faith which will save us, is the faith of the heart...
What then is meant by the faith of the heart?
By the faith of the heart, is to be understood, in the first place, a faith which does not terminate in speculation. By the religion of the heart, is to be understood a vital religion, a religion which lives, and breathes, and moves, and acts; which prompts the virtues, and regulates the conduct; a religion which tells the heart to beat, whenever the blessed names and offices of integrity, purity, and justice, are recited; which commands the affections to fly, wherever there is a tear flowing, which they can wipe away, or a bosom bleeding, which they can bind, or a care which they can render lighter by their support, or a sorrow which they can alleviate by their sympathy; a religion which bids its votaries lift a reverend and grateful eye to the Creator for his ceaseless and unspeakable bounties, and then look down again on the world—and endeavour to deserve them."
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