"And what a wonderful gift is the human soul! What mysterious powers are hidden therein, slowly evolved into grand activities. How strange that each of us should be a person, forever himself, with a great gulf separating him from all other persons. I, always myself, you, always yourself, forever a pure unit of individual consciousness! And yet that this personal unit, so limited and confined, should be able to unite itself in thought with past and present, with the universe of space and time; should be able to reach out to the stars, weigh and measure the planets; should be able to recall the history of the earth and unroll its geological record; should be able to analyze substances burning in the furnaces of sun and stars; able to send by lightning its messages under the ocean and over the continent ; able to enter with sympathetic thought into the mind of Homer, Dante and Milton; able to know Christ and love him; able to live a life of communion with eternal right and infinite good— this is the most marvelous fact of all, and for all this we may well thank God every day and every hour."
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