"O Lord, merciful and gracious, we, thy dependent offspring, would now humbly and sincerely thank thee, because thou hast given us life, and by thy bountiful providence hast always nourished, directed and governed us. For our reason. education and religion; for all the gifts of nature and of grace ; for our Saviour, Christ; for our redemption, and instruction in the truth ; for thy repeated calls to us ; for all the patience which has waited for us, and all the mercy which has spared us ; for all the enjoyments of this present life, and for all thy promises, and all our hopes of a better life to come, we bless and magnify thy holy name. And grant, 0 Lord, that thy mercies may be followed by our obedience ; and that we may so walk in the light of thy favor, and in the paths of thy commandments, that living here to thy praise, we may at last be received to thyself, to rejoice forever in thy presence; which we ask in the name, and as disciples of him who died that we might live ; through whom to thee be ascribed all thanksgiving and praise, both now and forever. Amen."
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