Friday, November 14, 2008

Tender father and best friend

On this day in 1835, James Freeman (1759- 1835) Minister at King's Chapel in Boston for over 40 years, died.

Freeman, a Socinian Unitarian, differed from most of the "Boston Unitarians" who tended to Arianism. They shared, however, a deep piety which is much on display in this sermon exerpt:

"A Summary of several important duties"
The fear of the Lord, says the wise man, is the beginning of wisdom. I exhort you therefore, my brethren, in the first place, to build the whole of your duty on the foundation of piety. Love God above every other object; and dread the violation of his commands as the worst of evils. Elevate your minds with contemplation of his attributes. Let his power and wisdom excite your admiration; let his justice inspire you with fear; let his goodness fill your hearts with joy. Contemplate him, not only as your creator and judge, but as your tender father and best friend.
For an excellent brief biography of Freeman, go to the Dictionary of Unitarian Universalist Biography at:


PeaceBang said...

Oh, your most beloved old dude. God rest his sweet soul.

slt said...

Hello Peacebang,
Thanks for your RIP-Freeman is very close to my most beloved old dude, James Freeman Clarke. In fact he was his grandfather. JFC lived and studied with James Freeman as a young boy and grandfather would have a large influence on grandson
Thank you also for the kind words on Peacebang this morning-they are much appreciated! Blessings