Today is a day of much trepidation and much hope, no matter your desired outcome. All agree that change is needed and all have varying degrees of confidence in the likelihood of that change.
I woke up with some trepidation, but following my morning devotions I am looking at the election and the world with more confidence.
The posts on this blog labeled Ware Jr. have, through exerpts and brief commentary, followed Henry Ware Jr. through his classic, Formation of the Christian Character, as a daily devotional excercise (along with Scripture readings in 1 Corinthians-the pairing is coincidental).
We left Paul in Chapter 11 and continue with Chap. 12's great discussion of "One Body, Many Members"
"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body though many are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-Jews or Greeks, slaves or free-and all were made to drink of one Spirit."
Brother Ware we left in Chap. 2: "Our Power to Obtain That Which We Seek." Exerpts continued:
For how is it that grace leads to salvation ? Is it by arbitrarily fitting the soul for it, and ushering it into heaven without its own cooperation ? Or is it not rather by opening a free highway to the kingdom of life, through which all may walk and be saved? This is what the Saviour has done ; he has made the path of life accessible and plain, has thrown open the gate of heaven, has taught men how to enter in and reach their bliss. Whoever pursues this path, and enters ' through the gate into the city,' is saved by grace. For though he has used his own powers to travel on this highway, yet he did not establish that highway ; nor could he have traversed it without guidance and aid; nor could he have opened for himself the door of entrance.
Nothing is truer than this, — that, your work is proportioned to your powers, and your trials to your strength.
The promise to Paul is fulfilled, ' My strength is made perfect in weakness.' ' The spirit helpeth our infirmities.' Let it be, then, that human nature is weak ; no work is appointed greater than its power, and it ' can do all things through Christ who strengtheth'
Be thoroughly persuaded, therefore, that the work before you is wholly within your power. Nothing has a more palsying efiect on one's exertions in any enterprise, than the doubt whether he be equal to it. Something like confidence is necessary to enable him to pursue it vigorously and perseveringly.
Grace gives us a "free highway to the Kingdom of Life" and we walk that highway together, whether "Jew or Greek" or even "Red State or Blue State." May we make the road a beautiful one and walk it with confidence. Blessings
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