Sunday, November 14, 2010

be quiet...

This final from William Mountford:

"So let us study to be quiet, and to do our own business, and to do it, because it is our own, and without coveting more importance for it. Let us be good for the sake of being good, and not for the sake of being examples, or being widely useful. Let us live divinely — live the way, God works.

God colors many a violet in dells and secret places, where it blossoms unseen ; and he plants many a flower in Alpine crevices, into which no one ever looks; and he bends the rainbow between the bright sun and the black clouds, on the sea, and out in waste places, where there is not a beholder to wonder at its beauty: and all over the desert, while the moon moves on, he keeps every grain of sand glistening in the long still night.

And now we will be holy for the sake of being holy, and kind for the sake of being kind.

Oh, this life of ours ! how great, and rich, and wonderful it is ! God is in it all, if only we will feel him. Our homes! they are porches of heaven, if only we will kneel in them and pray with our souls as well as our lips. Our business! it may be an " exercise unto godliness," nnto what is everlasting, what is of the spirit, spiritual, if only we will do it in the right spirit. This life, this little life ! we may grow heavenly great out of it.

And thoughts like these we will study, and so become quiet. And ours will then be that quietness of temper, which easily turns into peace of soul. And peace of soul is what the world neither gives nor takes away, and is what death itself cannot disturb."


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