Thursday, August 26, 2010

that which is divine...

James Freeman Clarke expresses the true heart of religion in today's "Message of Faith, Hope and Love."  With Paul my response is "I believe, help my unbelief."...

"I THINK that we believe in God when we believe in that which is divine in all things, when we see in men something divine and noble in the midst of all that is evil, when we see in childhood something divine, and revere the innocence yet unstained by the world. So, too, we believe in God when we love our friends, not because they are of use to us, not because our tastes and theirs happen to agree just now, but because we see and admire in them some innate beauty which God gives to each soul when he makes it; some connate and inborn charm of spontaneous sweetness, or courage, or honor, or aspiration, or reverence, or humility, or conscience, which God gave to it in his counsel before the foundation of the world. And we see God when we love all his creatures, whether they are sympathetic with us or antipathetic, when we overlook their faults and pardon their offences, and care for their souls, as God and Christ care for their souls. This is divine love, true love, which sees God, which whosoever has dwells in God and God in him. He may have many faults, vices, follies, sins. But this generosity in his heart is the redeeming element. This is Christ born within him, the hope of glory. This gives him a solid inward peace and satisfaction, and makes him assured and confident before God."


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