Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a present salvation...

An absolutely central tenet of Boston Unitarianism (and one of the things that so drew me to them) was/is the idea that true salvation is not an event but a daily, continuous thing.  James Freeman Clarke's 'Message of Faith, Hope and Love" for today (posted everyday at Wonderful Epoch) puts it well...

" SALVATION, to be of any use to us, must be a present salvation. It is not enough that I passed through some experience, and repented and was converted and born again last year. I must repent to-day, I must be converted to-day, I must be born again to-day. Nor can I hope to be saved in the future except as I am saved now. Immortality must begin here. God is here, Christ is here, his Holy Spirit is here, all good angels are here, all truth is here; and I can be saved now by trusting in God as my Father and my Friend!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everything good is in the present moment -- a place so hard to reside in regularly! I think of salvation as salvation from our own ego, our own desire to live only from ourselves. It is only in the present moment that we can be aware of the interdependent web of which we are a part, to make decisions of right or wrong based on those relationships and not only our own personal desires.