It is a about 6:00am on Christmas morning. My youngest has been awake for hours and thinks he just might not make it much longer...Four years or so ago, that same youngest (Henry Emerson) created this picture just before Christmas. When I asked him about it he told me it was a picture of God saying "here he is!" Look what I did...(I posted it last year as well and will probably do so next year!)
Jesus is born and all have a new birth. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas day and can, now that the busyness of pre-Christmas is drawing to an end, take time to contemplate and receive the new spirit of the birth of Jesus. Here He is!
This is the best, best, best. Merry Christmas!
And a very Merry Christmas to you! Blessings
Wonderful! It needs posting every year. Here He is, Indeed.
I know you know but the King of Peace and I were born on the same day. People say, "Oh, you poor dear, you must get cheated out of lots of presents."
I say, "Indeed, I do, but then again, I am made to feel special 365 days a year when people day delighted, ohhhhhhhhhhh, you were a Christmas baby or ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you were born on Christmas.
I aspire to be one with God like Jesus became, but I don't want to die on a cross.
All the best,
David Markham
President (self appointed)
Boston Unitarian Fan Club
Merry merry Christmas, BU! How are things up there today? Do you have a white Christmas? My mother told me that Baltimore is completely white, with freezing rain coming later tonight.
A good night for hot cocoa (perhaps with a drop of peppermint schnapps) and a warm fire indeed!
Hi David,
It must be wonderful and daunting to share a birthday with Jesus (though, of course, I believe that in an important way, we all do!) Hope you had a wonderful day and
blessings, BU
Hello Tracie,
I hope you had a blessed Christmas as well! We had a lovely white Christmas thanks to last weekend's blizzard (no ice, though, and I hope all goes safe with your mother in Baltimore)
Thank you for taking a moment to write on Christmas and many blessings! BU
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