"Let enemies plot against him; let them assail his person, seize his possessions, belie his character, treat him with bitter sarcasm or proud contempt; let them persecute him as wicked, or spurn him as worthless; let their secret hatred reveal itself in casting him from their society, throwing him out of their bosoms as the sea-waves throw up the loosened sand and drive it, as they dash, against the beaten rock; what then ? It is not well with them; it is well with him. The peace of the universe is in his soul; he cannot go,' living or dying, where a divine aspect is hidden from him. They tell us, in old fable, of the shield bearing the Gorgon head, which turned all who looked upon it to stone ; but toward him through the whole circle of the universe, a face looks for ever which penetrates his whole being with its benignity, and, instead of the petrifactions of selfishness, makes him vital in every part, and draws him into perpetual co-operation with the spirit which it expresses. Nay, hate is of itself that petrifying power, and the unloving heart sees it never but to become hard and adamantine. Bitterness embitters ; scorn begets scorn; contempt invites contempt; pride either reproduces its own assumption or rouses the revenge of envy; enmity is sure to form its offspring in others' breasts to roll back and sting its parent; nothing is strong enough in the midst of these enchantments of selfishness to protect the soul from their deadening influences, save this simple energy of unquenched love. Let this live and grow, freely, fully; then does enmity from men but reverse its own processes, and, driving it to the celestial fountains, minister to its supplies of new wealth and sweetness. Beset by pride, it grows the humbler; by contempt, it returns the deeper reverence of the soul; by scorn, it joys the more to rise into that holier sphere which overlooks it. The God within it can never be embittered, but in the instant turns all elements of bitterness into nourishment of his own eternal life."
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