Wednesday, September 2, 2009

be bold, be bold...

My children started school yesterday (7th, 5th, and 3rd grades) and, though I cant say I am sorry to see the start of a school year, it is true that I ache when I watch them set off to navigate the thorny world of "society." Some "advice" today from Ralph Waldo Emerson (via the "Faerie Queen") from his description of Plato in "Representative Men"...

"But his circumspection never forsook him. One would say he had read the inscription on the gates of Busyrane,- "Be bold"; and on the second gate,- "Be bold, be bold, and evermore be bold"; and then again had paused well at the third gate,- "Be not too bold." His strength is like the momentum of a falling planet, and his discretion the return of its due and perfect curve..."

This could also serve as a description of the virtues of many of the Boston Unitarians. Balance, balance and balance...


1 comment:

Kari said...

Such good advice, thanks. It's the first day of high school for my middle son. Please let it not be like a John Hughes movie.