Monday, February 23, 2009

Az Úr imádsága

We were blessed at church yesterday morning with a visit from the minister of our partner church in Transylvania. The service was led by our minister emeritus who started our association with the partner church program 17 years ago. He retired in 2000 after more than 30 years at our church and though I came here after his retirement, it was a joy to hear him and to feel the bond that he still has with many in our congregation.
Our visiting minister (her first time out of her country) told the children a folktale, gave a wonderful talk on the "consoling church" and the joy of the love of God, and, in what was one of my favorite moments, said the Lord's Prayer in Hungarian to which we responded in English. She later presented us with a beautiful flag and some embroidery and then sang two folk songs.
It was a joyous day and I am filled with gratitude for just having witnessed it. Blessings


Anonymous said...

I am trying to work out the translation of your post title.

Az = God?

Ur = Strength?

Imadsaga = Story of something but I don't know what.

Maybe something like...the story of God's enduring love?

Can you help me with this?

slt said...

Hi "Red"
Its good to hear from you! I must confess that I found this translation title via google and don't have a clue. I will see our partner church minister tomorrow and will ask for an exact translation and let you know then. Thanks for asking and...
Many blessings, BU